Wednesday, April 6, 2011


"The darkest part of the day is the hour just before dawn"
It is in that moment that complete surrender takes place. When your knees become so week that you fall to the floor, throwing your arms up to the heavens, in hopes that someone or something bigger than you lovingly picks you up off the floor. 


The process of death can be transformitive or destructive. In a healthy process we will grow deeper from the experience. As life is set up, death shocks us into a search for the greatest mysteries of life or throws us to the pangs of our own hell.
If we hold on to what is lost, due to the issues we never addressed with ourselves or the person that has past over, we eventually fall into despair. Hopelessness is a death sentence in its own right for it sucks the life force out of the individual still living. A double tragedy in essence. Does it still not occur to anyone that your physical health is effected by your emotional, and spiritual well being?


"Life After Death"

"Holding on"



"Cross To Bare"


Light & Darkness

During this time, I have been trying to show everyone in my life what having God looks like. There are moments of darkness and also times in the light.  Each photo conveys a different aspect of being touched by something that we can not hold physically but as the Master teacher put it, "We can not hold depression or measure it with our tools but we sure do feel it when we are in it. We can see in another persons eyes when hope is gone. So for the nonbeliever who needs to hold something to believe it, remember that what is real is not always something that we can touch with our hands or measure with our tools." 


"A Mother's Love"


"Light & Darkness of Oneself"

"Shadow Self"

"Seeing The Light"

"Battling Oneself"
